
Release 3.3 adds:

  • a documentation on readthedocs: https://pygenometracks.readthedocs.io

  • progress bar for bed, gtf, bedgraph, narrowPeak, epilogos

  • all colors can be set as (r, g, b) with r, g, b values between 0 and 1.

  • all colormap can be set as an array of colors, for example [red, white, (0, 0, 0.5)]

  • the titles on the right can be align left, right or center with the argument --trackLabelHAlign

  • for the links track
    • compact_arcs_level to be able to see both very long arcs and very small arcs.

    • ylim to be able to zoom and see small arcs.

  • a new track type: file_type = scalebar which by default is close to the UCSC scale bar.

  • for the bed tracks
    • a new gene type: tssarrow

    • border_color and color_utr can be set to bed_rgb.

    • all_labels_inside allow to put the name of the region on the left if it ends after the plotted region.

    • labels_in_margin allow to put the name of the region in the margin if it ends after the plotted region.

  • line_width can now be set in the narrowPeak tracks.

  • colormap can now be set in bedgraphMatrix tracks.

bug fixes:

  • if a bed with no interval is provided, pgt no longer exit.

  • When an exon had both UTR start and UTR end within it, only the UTR start was considered.

  • alpha in links tracks was not used

  • qcat files with missing values are now working.